Sat. night I was dragged kicking and screaming from my house by an Eminem lookalike who stole my beer and threw me into the back of a dark van. A short time later I was forced to withdraw money from an ATM, and ushered into the blazing cacophony that was Myron's on a Sat. night. Being very cheap, I could only be persuaded to purchase two Clancy's. Riding this slight beer buzz, we (Rob, Eminem and I) headed towards the dance floor to shake our money makers.
There we met: Steph, Shannon and her "friend" Jana, Sabrina and her "friend", as well as Taylor and his "friend" Adam. Eminem met with his harem, wooing them with his stylish moves. Yet as the night drew on he became withdrawn, slowly fading until he disappeared completely.
The night proceeded with the same hip hop dance tunes, including 50 cents' new one, in which he spreads his mantra "I'm into sex, not making love". And all the power to him, its just too bad though that it looks like he does most of his bench pressing with his face.
In the middle of the last song, I decided to be pragmatic and head for the coat-check before the mad rush. By the time I made it downstairs however there was a "line" all the way up the stairs. After a few well placed elbows, and some help from my long arms and I was back upstairs where I hooked up with Rob and we began our wait for Eminem. But the King had long left the building, and we were left freezing our asses off outside the doors until good sense took hold and we left for Taylor, Adam and Steph's place.
Congradulations to Sabrina, after 3 hours of grinding and sweating and shaking your ass off, you finally tired that poor guy out enough that he'd follow you anywhere.
I was also introduced to Star Jones, "Black don't Crack", Speckles the Cat. A very overweight, yet adorable cat. And I'm sure if Jane ever seen her, I'd be stepping on fresh hair balls for the next eternity.
I warmed up, then walked home from Taylors, in ten minutes flat. The End...
Thank you for reading this long and ridiculous post, more to follow another day.
For more information on Sat night at Myron's go here-->
Rob's Place