Phase III
Despite the bitter cold that would have kept most of the bravest souls at home, these proud and dedicated Stratford Ball Players trudged forward... Hands frozen numb, eyes frosted open, noses running down their stoney faces, they gritted their teeth in determination.
The practices brave participants consisted of Nic, Rob, Dwaine, and myself, plus a special guest called up from one of our AAA teams. Yes Thomas, made the trek all the way from Souris (which is still buried under 10ft of snow by the way). He valiantly battled his way through fierce storms, 15ft swells and sea monsters to try out for our team. We are still in negotiations, but things are looking good for us to fill that gap in the outfield.
Tomorrow hopefully I will be able to post some of our team pictures from Phase II of our training. If you read this Matt, please contact me ASAP re this matter.
Attention all Stratford Players, if you haven't received an email concerning the Stratford Ball Players Association secure websites, please contact me at once. If you wish to apply to play for the Stratford Ball Club contact me as well.
A tentative roster has been posted on the Team Message Board please be advised.
...This just in, Thomas Godfrey has been signed to play outfield for the Stratford Ball Club...