Last night was trivia. It started off with Andrew Rob and I, and we were eventually joined by Matt and Tyler, and later Taylor. I don't think we did very well at the trivia part, with answers varying from random geographic locations and math equations to course and disturbing comments about Taylor's sexual experiences with his transgendered siamese twin. As for the drinking part, which is a much larger part of the Myron's trivia experience, it went quite well. For the most part we drank Clancy's. Mostly because Andrew said, "You can drink anything, as long as it's a Clancy's!" while holding a bottle beside his face and winking with a smile; partly because, everything else good had ran dry.
Another classic night of singing loudly, off tune and out of sync to songs that made Taylor cringe. If you don't go to Myron's to make an ass of yourself, then what's the point cause you can't be having any fun. At least that's my own personal experience.
For some reason, be it the drink or that infectious dance music, I stayed way past my curfew. I awoke this morning to the jarring dissonance of my alarm clock still half drunk. Four hours of sleep does me nothing. If that's the penence one must pay for a night of drunken fun, then so be it. At work I sit on my ass and deflect insults and abuse all day. My head still aches like someone had been trying to suck my brain out my ear with a thin straw and a high powered industrial vacuum. And through all this I must try and explain to some dense immigrant who has a loose grip with the English language and an even looser grip on reality, how come they haven't won a million dollars. People like this must assume the risk that comes with being so blatently ignorant.
So sorry you bought a new car when you heard you won, and flew your large extended family in first class to attend a celebration in your honor. Its too bad you quit your two jobs and told your boss you had slept with his under age daughter. And it's not our fault you owe a violent Lebanese Loan Shark ten grand. I suggest you declare bankruptcy and take your English as A Second Language courses while serving out your sentence for statutory rape of a minor. Now fuck off, cause I'm having a bad day too.
But I digress, by the time we left Myrons (Andrew Rob Taylor and I) it was near closing time. We went over to JR's for a greasy slice of pizza and stayed for the cozy, quiet atmosphere. Taylor disappeared shortly later. Which left Andrew Rob and I standing on the street. While we were waiting in the dark, shivering I turned to Rob, "Damn I thought the cabbie would be here by now!" It was kind of depressing because there was nothing but the wind, blowing snow on the ground, trying to listen for the cab but there's no sound.
Then Rob unexplicably ran to the middle of the street, dropped to his knees and screamed, "Isn't anyone tryin to find me? Won't somecabbie take me home!"
I turned to Andrew and reconfirmed it was a damn cold night. But he wasn't listening, no the classic thousand mile stare was on his face, he obviously was trying to figure out this life. It got weird when he ran up to a nearby policeman took him by the hand, got down on his knees and said, "Take me somwhere new, I don't know who you are, But I..." and raising slowly from his knees and clenching his fists to his chest, "I'm with you... I'm with you!"
At this point I interceded and explained to the bewildered police officer that we were, "looking for a place, searching for a face, just wondering if he was someone we knew". He seemed relieved, and unexpectantly opened up by saying, "there's nothing going right, and everythings a mess!"
"It's all right," I consoled, "no one likes to be alone."
And in the cold blustry street Rob slowly rose to his knees, with a pleading look upon his face, singing, "Isn't anyone trying to find me? Won't somecabbie come take me home?"...
Slowly we all gathered underneath the streetlights, the wind whipping around us tearing into our souls and from us came a collective voice singing out against that which tormented us, "It's a damn cold night! Trying to figure out this life. Wont you take us by the hand take us somewhere new? I don't know who you are but I... I'm with youuuu I'mmmmm with youahooo..."
Our last note still hanging, before being caught and sucked away by the wind, I queried my fellow sufferers, "Oh why is everything so confusing? Maybe I'm just out of my mind..."
Nodding his head, Rob resolutly agreed , "Yea ee yeah ee yeah" then looked to Andrew who nodded, "Yea ee yeah ee yeah" Then all eyes shifted to the policeman as he raised his arms to the howling winds and screamed, "Yeeaaaah!, yeeaaaah!, yeeaaah!".
Then from behind we were all alluminated by headlights as the cabbie drew up to us and stopped. He quickly rolled down the window and shouted, "Get in, it's a Damn Cold Night"
We all laughed at that, then Andrew, Rob and I climbed into the cab. The policeman remained standing outside and I asked him if he was coming. He paused a moment and replied, "hey guys, I'm with you..."
*music fading out, wind howling and blowing snow circling the cab as the camera pans out*
Well that was my night to the best of my recollection. Whoever said hypothermia couldn't be entertaining?