Paint Wars - "The Beginning"
This is the premiere episode of the "Paint Wars" Photoshopping contest. Right now the only competitors are Dan Pollard and I. If you are talented and wish to compete, just drop either of us a line.
For our first competition we scoured the Internet for pictures of friends. Our theme: Our Friends in our Favorite Movies.
We were going to try to photoshop Dwaine onto a womans body… but obviously someone beat us to the punch…
The picture we finally decided upon was generously donated from Gabrielle’s lost picture collection.
As you can see Dawn and Sabrina were obviously surprised by some Mexican photographer (Gabrielle?) …
Hilarity ensues.
For my first idea, I decided to befoul a couple of hobbits…
This photo lacked that certain edginess I was looking for, so I redoubled my efforts and after a bit of searching came up with the perfect picture.
Here they are in their full glory
To view the original picture and read an interesting article about the uproar it created follow this link Hot Anal Action
Now that you have seen my creations, please go visit Dans page to view his creation.
To vote for whatever picture you prefer please use my shout backs, or Dan’s message board (since he isn’t hip to shout outs).
If you would like to nominate a picture for our next competition please submit the full URL to the image.