In reference to Gabrielle's thread on this subject.
The "what kinda music do you like?" question in Junior High.
I remember that question, grade 8 in health class I think. I didn't really listen to anything... I didn't even have my own tape/cd collection. I didn't have cable so no Much either. The only exposure to music I really had was the radio. So when it came around for my turn, I blurted out the first band that came to mind... The Spin Doctors, as they had been playing on my ride to school.
Everyone else was like Nirvana! Pearl Jam! 2Pac... So at first there was silence. And I was like, "yeah... I like the Spin Doctors". Then one of my cool friends piped in, a little unsure of himself.. "yeah the Spin Doctors... they're kinda alternative"...
I was one of those tough-troublemaker-class-clown-jock types so everyone just shrugged it off. I don't even think I knew anything about the Spin Doctors, I didn't even know what a spin doctor was at that point. However for a few months afterwords, I would still pretend that I was a defiant Spin Doctor fan.
It wasn't until I bought my CD player in grade 9 that I finally began to open my ears to musical pop culture. Perhaps the lack of music in my life up until that point prolonged my musical appreciation. Maybe if properly emersed I could have grown up with a love of music, and have gone on to become a famous musician in a famous musician group. But I doubt it.
This is the first time I have ever brought up this story. I feel my psychological burden has been lightened.