Tim - Aliant is
talking about talking says:
what up
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
an injured scratch to the strike line brotha
Tim - Aliant is
talking about talking says:
why? what
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
was walking home and decided to take a short cut. The short cut led to a pile
of cement debris.
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
trying to make a delicate jump from one heap to another, I lost my footing on
the landing. I smacked around pointy chunks like a cold damp sack of meat.
Tim - Aliant is
talking about talking says:
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
I looked down at my left leg it had a huge hole in it that was very deep and
Tim - Aliant is
talking about talking says:
so what was
the final tally?
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
it started gushing the old red vino.
Tim - Aliant is
talking about talking says:
el terrible
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
leg was red in rivers of hot blood
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
looked down for a moment to fully surmise the damage, before I immediately
headed home at a jog.
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
at home, took off my soiled shoes, and left a trail of gravitational blood
splatter to the kitchen.
Tim - Aliant is
talking about talking says:
wow... i
would have laid there and waited for a hot topless blonde with beer and pizza
to save me
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
retrieved a dish towel from the kitchen and fastened it to my thigh as a crude
but effective tourniquet.
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
I staggered from the kitchen, grasping to keep hold of consciousness
Tim - Aliant is
talking about talking says:
we should
award you the purple heart
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
got in the car, taking time to cover my seat with a thick plastic bag, turned
up full blast, opened the windows and tore off.
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
that moment I wasn't worried about cops at all. I was completely focused on
survival mode. Fuck the cops, I'd let them see my leg covered in sticky red
blood, then I'd ask them to hurry up and let me fucking die already.
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
I never seen those blue bastards.
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
made it to the hospital where I was promptly greeted with gasps and a flurry of
Tim - Aliant is
talking about talking says:
that never
happens when i go
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
attendant brought me a wheelchair, and a nurse put a blanket around my leg.
Whether this was out of concern or just so I wouldn't bleed all over the
sterilized floor... your guess.
Tim - Aliant is
talking about talking says:
lots of
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
some tests the nurse cleaned the blood off, and inspected the wound.
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
first she said it looked like a gunshot. Then after submerging her finger in
and seeing the hole was without end surmised it was indeed an attack of the
great wily borrowing hedge hog. It seems a ghastly and deadly spike had bored
right through my leg, and retreated just as fast.
Tim - Aliant is
talking about talking says:
holy shit
that sounds like it would sting a little
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
I can assure you came as some shock to me. It took only a few pictures and some
slide shows for her to completely assure me.
Tim - Aliant is
talking about talking says:
the visuals
do help
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
have been healing since that day (yesterday) and with my time I have been
Tim - Aliant is
talking about talking says:
ohh... what
have you been studying?
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
have been scrutinizing the beast from origins to offspring.
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
have painted a detailed psychological profile of the beast’s inner workings.
Tim - Aliant is
talking about talking says:
Tim - Aliant is
talking about talking says:
or your cat?
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
hatred of the great wily borrowing hedge hog grows with every ounce of
knowledge I gain of it.
Tim - Aliant is
talking about talking says:
ahh... the
fabled great wily borrowing hedge hog... heard it many moons ago
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
has been known to stealthily live beneath the top layer of soil in tropical
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
its sodden mantle of earth the beast waits for the sounds of victims.
Tim - Aliant is
talking about talking says:
starting to remind me of the guy from rear window... keep it up
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
say victims, as these creatures do not take food. They are one of the two
organisms on earth to kill for spite. They are devilish, sadistic brutes of
hatred. The only way they differ with the second organism is that, they,
(unlike man) do not greedily take anything worldly. The only thing that drives
these creatures is the power of killing with their deadly spikes.
Tim - Aliant is
talking about talking says:
i've often
felt all rodents to be sadists
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
rodents are especially nasty.
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
have constructed what I believe to be the only known weapon effective against
the great wily borrowing hedge hog.
Tim - Aliant is
talking about talking says:
perhaps you
should plot the hierarchy of evil on a chart for the benefit of man everywhere
Tim - Aliant is
talking about talking says:
do tell
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
consists of a canister of pure jet fuelent, a pilot light and a nozzle
controlled by a stock mounted trigger. I call it "The Devils own
Tim - Aliant is
talking about talking says:
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
this arm of gods I will set ablaze the very soulless caverns of these foulish
hell beasts.
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
you with me brother?
Tim - Aliant is
talking about talking says:
to the bitter
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
you join the front of man, and take up arms against these baby killing fiends?
Tim - Aliant is
talking about talking says:
it is my duty
as a man and a soldier
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
you lay down your picket sign and take up your "Devils Own Halitosis"
to reign grievous judgement upon these savage hellions?
Tim - Aliant is
talking about talking says:
as charles as
my witness... i shall brother... i shall
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
tonight we fight. Tonight we will all feel the hot flowing rivers of pride and
life as they cascade towards our toes.
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
is our stand!
Tim - Aliant is
talking about talking says:
and then....
we dance!!!
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
is no going back!
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
lives, our children all for God and Country!
Tim - Aliant is
talking about talking says:
we shall not
falter... we shall not fall
Tim - Aliant is
talking about talking says:
not so much
for god... i hear he created the hedge hogs
Chuck ** On
Strike ** 12 Weeks and Counting ** says:
no ones perfect, after all he did create fermented malt beverages.
Tim - Aliant is talking
about talking says:
Fine point sir Charles