I hope you all like the new template. Yes Dan I do know that it does have an error, in this case it's intentional. Not much going on, even less time to write about it... I'm training for MSN right now, learning how to keep those filthy mouthed kids quiet, and the porn peddlers gone. So looks like Andrew will have to find another IRC to monger his kiddie porn on. Cause there's a new Sheriff in town. PS Were looking for more Sheriff's if your interested and available to start training ASAP. Come by and fill out an application, technical skill is a requirement...
To my faithful readers I apologize for the lack of content, I have had nothing to write about, as I've done nothing of any consequence lately. What is needed is an event of some kind where liquor and drugs are involved. Either or. But something worth writing about...
Sorry to say it boys, but Thursday nights have been lacking in the crazy drunken fun department. Mostly due to empty seats being snatched up by nasty pariahs; empty seats caused by a lack of drunken comrads. Really, get your asses in gear. There's nothing better to do on a frozen Thursday besides sit and drink cheap beer and ridicule each other. It sucks when you have to sit with parasites, who don't even realize when you're bashing them. They'll just sit there slack jawed and laugh when they see everyone else laughing:
Parasite: Ha, Ha, funny, you so funny Andrew!
Andrew: I'm going to stab you in the forehead :)
Parasite: *confused look* Ha, ha, funny, you sooo funny Andrew! *grabs Andrews crotch*
(this is bad on it's own, but it also makes Rob really jealous, and he gets cranky when he's jealous, then he starts to smell funny, but thats a different story...)
You get the point.
Mind you there are some people who can be tolerated. Some people are even encouraged! But Jesus H Christ take a hint, when you're unambiguously asked to leave, or benignly threatened.
Remember the 20th is Dwaine's b'day. Yes Dwaine, remember that fat bastard? Well you're all coming because a drunk Dwaine is always a fun Dwaine.
Well I'm winded.

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