Sorry for the lack of posts... I've been a busy guy lately. My new computer has opened up many new and cool options and entertainment. I haven't even come close to finishing the construction and mods, let alone the programming... but it's all something that I look forward too.
Good news and bad news to report... (on the computer front)
The Bad first: my sub woofer blew on my 5.1 surround sound system... :(
The Good: purchased two new fans over the internet... a super top of the line CPU Fan/Heatsink
Thermaltake VOLCANO 11+Xaser Edition Highest Performance Cooler
As well I purchased this fan for my case's window...
UV 80mm Blue Round Cold Cathode Fan w/ Dual Inverter
More pictures of this later when I get them developed and scanned. :)
In other news my younger brother is doing very well in continuing the tradition of killing everyone at rugby. The Rural Triple AAA Boys are undefeated and making a mockery of the entire league... And amidst all this triumph comes some sadness as Mr. Lloyds wife has been diagnosed with cancer... I don't have much more details at the present, but it is bad enough for him to be missing classes and practices... All our sympathy is with him. :(