~ Saturday Night ~
In order to get ready for the big game what few brave Stratford Players we could muster were assemble at East Royalty Field. Our force consisted of Dwaine, Nic, Phil white, Brad and myself. We practiced underneath the ferocious mid-day sun until our throats were dry and cracked and our tongues were sunburned, then we practiced some more. After this practice we departed and I went home to shower and head back out with my sexy date Jane. We took in some Chinese at the Golden Wok before rounding up our supplies and heading out to Blooming Point.
Once at Blooming Point we were warmly recepted by murderous hoardes of evil bloodsucking mutant mosquitos. They attacked in huge oily black clouds of death... our only defence was slathering any exposed skin with a high concentration of DEET until I could raise the fire to smoke them off. We started off with a small gang including Janelle, Dwaine, Marie, Moira, Bobby, That Guy, Whoshisface, Whatshisname and Someotherpeople, we were later joined by Tyler, Brad and Melissa and some younger folks unknown to me. (sorry I don't do names well :S)
After many long months of almost Straight-Edge alcohol and drug abstination, (minus Canada Day) my tolerance levels are at almost virgin levels... Meaning that I got very messed up, very quickly. Unfortunately for me, this led to some rather painful and humourous situations...
Later on in the night, when I went to spray on a second layer of defence I mistakenly sprayed an entire shot of the volatile substance directly onto my eye... PAIN! ... I fumbled and grabbed some water and attempted to rinse my eyeout... the water just burned more and it was fizzling and foaming... BEER! ... PAIN! ... I did eventually manage to rinse my eye out with water, lord knows the damage that DEET would have caused :P
The beach after that point was quickly becoming over-run with underage native children and magical gypsies on four-wheelers. At one point a large group of people assembled in a semi circle about our fire. They said not a word, just standing there illuminated by our magnificant fire. Tensions grew as a silent hush fell over our group... I knew that this situation had to be quickly defused, so I summoned up my great Pentacostal preacher genes and with fiery breath I quickly admonished these demons til they turned forked-tail and ran. And after that it was business as usual.
The rest of the night was spent either sitting around staring at the fire or off frolicking amongst the dunes with Jane in an attempt to capture and apprehend fireflies.. which by the way do not look at all like their Disney counterparts.
Kudos to Dwainer for keeping me in contact with malt beverages, and congrats to Janer on drinking her pint (and then some) all in shots with a meager chase accompaniment. Poor Janelle sadly didn't last very long, and spent most of the night on her back... (insert punchline). Thanks to Tyler for the medicinal herbs, smoked waist deep in the ocean while listening to rad tunes on a portable boom box. Thanks to some crazy indian (who thought he was black) for giving me a drink of the same Gin that Tupac, Snoop Dog, Eminem, 50 Cent ect, ect, all drink... If they do drink it... they have good taste 'cause it was good.
Good times, good times.

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