Welcome to the Stone Age,
Prince Edward Island
The lights had been out here for quite a while, we were doing alright with our backup generator humming at full speed. At 4:00am I checked the weatherchannel.com and they announced that winds were gusting up to 140km/h! That’s gotta be a record!
At 5:30 I decided to take my lunch. Having lacked the forethought to prepare one in advance, I blazingly headed to the store (Queens Arms Esso). The wind had died down by the time I was walking to the car, but everything was still pitch dark. As I drove out of Watt’s I immediately began to take note on the damage that lay about. Everywhere was windfall, leaves, twigs and fair-sized branches as well. I also noticed that two newly installed lights had been knocked down as well. The highway was even worse, halfway between the little shopping mall and Tim’s on the TransCanada almost all of the power lines were down. Not just lying harmlessly off to the side, they were lying directly in the middle of the road. The combination of no traffic lights, and no other lights besides other cars’ headlights and some emergency lights inside of businesses Charlottetown was completely in the dark. It was spooky as hell driving all the way down University, and not seeing a single thing but the pitch darkness. Once I arrived in town, there was even more debris and destruction. There were huge branches and piles and piles of leaves and crap scattered all along the roads. Most of Grafton and Prince St. as well as in Front of Myrons were all closed off as well. Turning off of Grafton to avoid the roadblock I had to dodge downed power lines. Destructions and chaos abounded! And I’m a real sucker for destruction.
All the while that I drove along I had the urge just to pull up somewhere and start smashing windows, maybe loot a little. Just plain go nuts! I’m sure that if there had of been any like minded individual traveling with me at the time I would be currently in handcuffs… with a big perma grin and bloody knuckles.
There’s something about seeing everything so helpless, and in a state of confusion that just makes me savage. I think I like it too.
Well the winds subsiding, and by the time you read this the power will be back on, the storm receding, weakening.
“Next time,” I tell my monster…

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