So I tried to put frames on my page... Not good. Frames are simple enough to construct, and in most cases usefull... but not when you don't own your website. I found this out the hardway... After spending several minutes completing the template I tried hosting it on several sites, everytime I did the page was flooded with ton's of ads. Rendering it completely useless.
Not much going on. Spring raised her glorious head, then was buried by more damn snow.
I miss summer. Walking the bridge into Charlottetown, hanging around, drifting aimlessly, returning at 5 am the next morning. Tired and satisfied. Stalking Mr. Bean, Smoking in the Scary Spot, hotboxing open cars, vans, trucks, entry ways. Buying the hard stuff from the red house, drinking behind the farmers market, before checking out little squirts. Crazy times of electric spiders, giant butterflies, beach parties, and second degree burns. Great home movies eh Rob.
But enough of the reminiscing for tonight. If anyone is online gimme a shout out, I'll be at work most of the night. Ciao.

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