Baseball Hooligans
Today on this beautiful day, five brave young souls took to defiling the Bunbury Ball Diamond. Yes it was Phase Two of our Shock and Awe campaign. This time our all-star group was composed of Andrew "Toothless" Thompson, Nic "The Whip" White, Dwaine "Bulldog" Bulger, Matt "The Lincher" Ling and I, Chuck "Bone Breaker" Beaton. Notably missing was our super-star pitcher Rob "The Pooh Bear" MacMillan...
Today was by far the best practice, as it was the first one on grass in a diamond. The weather was beautiful, the air clean and crisp with a salty aftertaste and a hint of oregano...
As the infield was a deceptive deathtrap of sink-sand, we played in the outfield which was moderately soggy, yet playable. As the exact details of the practice are kept secret. I will only go as far to say that close to 50 exposures were taken in an effort to document our strengths and uhh... strengths. Most of the pictures ended up being taken of pure old school buffoonery. They will be appearing here by Saturday at the latest so stay tuned... Viewer discretion is advised as certain shots do contain nudity...
I am now sporting a busted blister below my pinky finger on my left hand, any typing aggravates it thus causing me some great discomfort. But even this pain doesn't diminish the satisfaction of a great day at the diamond. More to come...
The Stratford Rec Room site is still in it's production stage. When complete, logins and passwords will be securely wired to all authorized individuals.
****Awardes of Recognition****
Matt - "Christina Aguilera Award for dirtiest ball player to leave the field"
Dwaine - "Ernie Award for Most Wanton Destruction"
Andrew - "Peewee Herman Award for Public Exposure"
Nic - "Chester Award for Giving it to those Cows"

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