Major League Baseball is coming to a town near you!
Just when you thought you were safe, big business comes along and strips away the last of your privacy and anonymity. With the help of radio frequency ID tag the size of grains of sand, and electronic product codes "ePC" every product manufactured will be monitored and traced along its path from its birth to being sold to you and placed in your home. The technology to mass produce these tags cheaply is here... They can be produced for about 1 cent each. Equiped with this technology every bottle, package and container of personal lubricant will emit it's own unique code to countless receivers making it possible to trace every single purchase to every consumer and beyond. This will shut-down all you casual pocket-pinchers, not to mention the black market as well.
Soon every piece of currency will also be marked with RFID and the implications only get more insidious from this point onward. With the market information that this system has the potential of generating big business could control almost every aspect of our existence. From walking down the street and billboards changing commercials to match our shoe brand, to some greasy salesman appearing in your bathroom everytime you're running low on tp.
Now if you wanted to know the whole horrible truth you could go here: The Truth About MLB or..... you could just watch me hit a couple of dingers...
Dingers, dingers, dingers!

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