Bad Luck on High Street
July 9th - 11th, in this the foul year of our lord two thousand and three, was a low time for your humble author...
#1. Little to no sleep over the previous night.
#2. Being injured and reaggravating injuries from rugby practice.
#3. Picking up Jane to find out that the poor girl had drunk herself silly.
#4. Tending to poor Jane as she was unable to perform even the most basic of primary motor functions.
#5. Loosing my expensive silver chain... whereabouts still unknown.
#6. While attempting to fix a security problem on my comp... being hit by the worst blended virus/trojan I have yet to encounter. Having my computer completely disabled and rendered useless. Damn those little virus writing pukes... get a girlfriend ya adolescent fuckers. I'd like to punch all those prying little shits in the face, then beat them senseless with their keyboards and string them up by the balls with their power cords.
#7. Getting less than 4 hours of sleep
#8. Going to work for Jane till 4, arriving for rugby at 5, driving to the god forsaken ends of Prince County with my knees up near my chin for 1.5 hours.
#9. Being brutally mauled and raped by a group of mutant farmers and fishermen on the rugby pitch. (We won though... 17-15)
#10. Driving home and being pulled over by the cops... probably worse for poor Spense due to his inability to locate his insurance papers...
#11. Not returning home till 12:30... for a game I thought would take 3 hours... *smack*
#12. Waking up and not being able to move. Feeling like I had been repeatedly beaten with a sack of padlocks and doorknobs... Damn I miss it!!
#13. Writing this senseless piece of wimpish gripe.

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