The First Installment of
- The Freak Nation -
A list of the weird things that strangers searched for on Google/Yahoo for which my site was highly ranked...
1. Yahoo - wats on circus
God's Own Electric Circus // Blog
... Open for Business! God's Own Electric Circus. COMMUNICATIONS ... From the keyboard of Chufre, 7:06 PM. With reference to your message with the subject: "Yo, Wats'up". ...
2. Google - wimp sodomized - (two accounts of this being searched for...looks like someone's up to no good! Wimps beware!)
God's Own Electric Circus // Blog
... But Nic's no wimp, he's been whipped into shape (literally) and brutally sodomized
(credits: Andrew, Dwaine, Chester) so much he doesn't know a world without ... 2003_02_02_fryingcarrot_archive.html
3. Google - "maran grass"
God's Own Electric Circus // Blog
... of waves is heard just off the beach, where the Giant Headed Rodney Turtle is found
helplessly floundering about in the tall Maran grass, desperately searching ... 2003_01_26_fryingcarrot_archive.html
(Of the four pages returned the other three were about PEI tourism/Anne of Green Gables... and mine about a Giant Headed Rodney Turtle)
4. Google - dwaine's whores
God's Own Electric Circus // Blog
... a scene ever so near to Dwaine's heart* [converation overheard through dirty trailer door, amid sounds of gunfire, panning bums and wheezing whores]. ...
5. Google - Hot Boxing Cars
**** the search for some reason wouldn't work for me :P ****
6. Google - "Electric Circus" +surround
God's Own Electric Circus // Blog
... God's Own Electric Circus. ... The only highlight was when the reporters would surround
our humble Information Minister and beg him for precious soundbites which he ... 2003_04_13_fryingcarrot_archive.html
7. Yahoo - "get him off me" - (Who searches for such an arcane thing?)
God's Own Electric Circus // Blog
... beneath his permanently half shut eye lids]. Sister- "Mom, get him off me, help!!". [Andrew now over beside the fireplace, attempting ...
8. Google - 0-60 time in a 1997 Dodge neon sport (Wow... not too impressive I assure you)
God's Own Electric Circus // Blog
... onto the highway, we decided to test the 0-60 when the ... and in second we did 100kms
by the time we were ... Returning home in my 1997 Dodge Neon, I knew somehow, my ... 2003_02_16_fryingcarrot_archive.html
There were many others but unfortunately their record has been lost...
I'm sure the Freak Kingdom won't disappoint and they'll be plenty more to report in short time...

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