News to no one!
April 1st “Poisson D’Avril” : It was a tradition not so long ago when I lived at home, to stick fish about the house and upon each other on this day. The house quickly would start to reek so this tradition was quickly abolished.
I had promised a gamely coworker that I would prank him good this year, and I always follow through.
Before he arrived at work I switched his keyboard and mouse connectors into their opposite ports. This was just a warm up however…
When he went on break he forgot to lock his workstation, mistake #1.
I proceeded to take a screenshot of his busy desktop, then I hid the desktop icons and moved the taskbar to the top of the screen and hid it as well. I then edited the screenshot with the words April Fools… sucka! centered on the screen, made to look as though I had typed them in a blank field.
When he came back he started clicking about furiously, checking his mouse connections ect. Checking his task manager, alt tabbing through his programs. The poor bastard couldn’t figure it out. He even rebooted but it came up the same way. Good laughs were had.
Score one for my old skool l337n3ss.
April the 7th : I get paid… increase my stock of WMDs.
April the 9th : Matt’s Bash… always a good time… now with more dogs! Terrorizing the sleepy town of Fort Augustus is my second favorite pastime.
April the 13th : My birthday… I’m turning 21. I guess that means I’m officially no longer a teenager. No more sneaking into the Burger King fun land (naked) and lying under the multi-colored balls (patiently).
April the 16th : Kill Bill 2 comes out. Plan on getting “enhanced” and taking in the beauty that is Quentin’s perverted mind. Last time our posse included Matt, Andrew and Myself. I paid for all I believe, Matt paid me back… Andrew I killed and buried upright in a marsh. This time more of you lazy fuckers had best make a showing.
April the 17th onward : Wishing away the snow. The mild temperature and brown grass fuels my excitement for baseball and all things summer. I plan whole heartedly on playing in the Kings County league this summer. Those Winslowpokes are too much trouble to manage appropriately. Anyone interested in having a catch can email me or call my 1-900 number.
After over a year of being highly classified, I will now release the username and password for the Stratford team page.
Go here Chufre's Palace and enter in the following information: username = stratford – password = rawlings
Make sure to check out the team message board. Hours of paranoid ramblings and top secret discussions. As well see how fat we have all gotten since last year by viewing the long lost riske photos.

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