I used to like climbing to high places (especially at construction sites) and leaping through the air onto the packed dirt below. How I never broke a leg I don’t know, and my ankles are still shitty. The immediate danger wasn’t my concern however, I was doing my part to jump start evolution...
One day man will fly, it’ll take sacrifice and a strong Darwinian conviction, but we just need to pull together. I believe all we need are some psycopaths, convicted rapists and other career criminals with are making no good contribution to society to be heaved off cliffs in all manners of shapes until we find that one gifted individual that floats for a second before smashing into the scraggly rocks. We then extract DNA from that person and cross pollinate the clones with the subject that flapped his arms the most. By continually doing this and recruiting new volunteers, I believe that eventually we will be left with a human that can flutter briefly in air, under their own power.
This is just the first step however, and funding costs would be huge. If you would like to donate to this project, or just for more information please contact me: dreamtofly@flyboy.com

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