Don’t believe the world you live in is a simple place.
Don’t trust technology to improve your comfort.
Don’t rely on science to explain your world.
Big money = Big Power
Big Power owns the world.
- Owns the military.
- Owns the media.
- Owns the vote tabulators.
- Owns the drug companies who keep you sick.
= Healthy people don’t buy drugs.
- Owns the food distribution channels.
= Healthy people don’t shape themselves into static blobs.
Money = Power = Reality
Your reality.
Don’t believe that political personalities just “die by accident”.
Kennedy, Luther, Lennon, Diana… how come the bad guys never die in this movie?
Nick Berg was dead when they sawed his head off. No arterial gushing, no autonomic spasmic thrashing… Either he was dead or he was a robot. Either way his death had purpose in desensitizing the American populace to the coming stories of real torture.
Do you think terrorism is an unfortunate occurrence?
Who has profited the most from the fear of 9/11? ...The War in Iraq?
Why did Nero burn down Rome?
The Bush Regime doesn't play the fiddle, they plays the media. They play with your heart strings. They play with your comfort level.
Do you actually think democracy is alive in the USA?
Do you actually think that Bush won a fair election/re-election?
What do you actually know about Pearl Harbour? US Foreign Policy? US foreign interests? The collusion between the Bin Laden family and the Bush’s?
What have you heard of the Skull and Bones? Bohemian Grove? The Bilderbergers? The Illuminati? The New World Order?
Somehow, somewhere do you think the dark powers of the world have disappeared? Do you think good is winning?
Are you comfortable selling out for a world of objects? For a reality of soft media? When was the last time you took any serious consideration of how fucked up this world has become?
There is nowhere to run, there is nowhere to hide. This is your world, this is your community.
Sit up and turn off the television.
Our problem as a borderless culture is not that we don’t have information; mass media is a constant in our everyday lives. The internet and television are replete with information: local events, national or international news, weather, humour, history, sports, music, culture, religion... The problem with all this information is that it is packaged commercially. Demographics and statistics of varying viewer bases force material to consist mainly of easily consumed soft news and just the bare facts. The entertainment industry caters to this shallow mindset, preaching consumerism and marketable morality.
We as a culture are abusing ourselves. We are neglecting the intuitive and creative energies that have so long fuelled the human race. Instead we stagnate like ostridges with our heads buried in a bubble gum world of insignificant distraction. Time is money, money is stress, and stress is overwhelming. Most people will never break out of the habituation of working class life. Others will never see beyond thin social structures. Our culture has taken ethnocentricity to the next level: pure unabashed egocentricity.
Community and group action need to be fostered, true national spirit has to be created. The concept of a national identity has to represent the higher values of human existence…
We the people are submitting our minds and awareness to the manipulation by dark powers.
One of the worlds greatest war criminals and mass murderers is being allowed to continue his dark administration against the peoples of this world. The evidence is conclusive, in the year 2000 George Bush with the help of his brother and fraudulent vote tabulation stole the election. This information was made readily available to the electorate through Michael Moore’s documentary “Fahrenheit 9/11.” Yet Bush still managed to become re-elected by tampering and disguising voter records. Bush’s ties to the Bin Laden’s, to the Skull and Bones secret society, his prior knowledge of 9/11, the obvious motives for unnecessary war, glossed over with paper thin lies… and that’s just the tip of this vicious iceberg.
Why? Why despite all these crimes of public record do the people of the United States still appear so complacent in allowing this administration to destroy their civil rights and liberties, eviscerate the protective constitution, and send their children to war?
Fear is the most primal of emotions, the most powerful form of self preservation. Governments have used fear to control their populace since the reign of Nero and his burning of Rome (which he blamed on the Christians).
Bush allowed the WTC attacks, Clinton allowed the WTC attacks (though they failed due to incompetence), Clinton also allowed the Oklahoma Bombing, and even the history channel reports that the government had weeks of prior knowledge before Pearl Harbour. I would urge you to do your own investigation into these acts.
You have a choice; either watch CNN and try and draw your own conclusions from their fluffy facts or be your own reporter and dig through the thousands of articles and documentaries compiled in the sites I will list below.
[b]The information war starts with you.[/b]
Kerry didn’t lose the election.
Youth did vote in record numbers.
Enter, Mr. Blackwell: Was He Bush's Trump Card In Ohio?
Skull and Bones archive:
The Patriot Act II
Police State
Project for a New American Century: /

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