Birds of a Feather
The Stuupa Urnee Chronicles

This is the first scene in my new screenplay. In this very important scene The Stupid Dwaine Bird is pitted against his arch nemissis, That Crazy Kid! Andrew. Their matrix styled fight scene will set the stage for the rest of the Stuupa Urnee chronicles.

Stay tuned to this page for the premiers of all these stories.


Major League Baseball is coming to a town near you!

Just when you thought you were safe, big business comes along and strips away the last of your privacy and anonymity. With the help of radio frequency ID tag the size of grains of sand, and electronic product codes "ePC" every product manufactured will be monitored and traced along its path from its birth to being sold to you and placed in your home. The technology to mass produce these tags cheaply is here... They can be produced for about 1 cent each. Equiped with this technology every bottle, package and container of personal lubricant will emit it's own unique code to countless receivers making it possible to trace every single purchase to every consumer and beyond. This will shut-down all you casual pocket-pinchers, not to mention the black market as well.

Soon every piece of currency will also be marked with RFID and the implications only get more insidious from this point onward. With the market information that this system has the potential of generating big business could control almost every aspect of our existence. From walking down the street and billboards changing commercials to match our shoe brand, to some greasy salesman appearing in your bathroom everytime you're running low on tp.

Now if you wanted to know the whole horrible truth you could go here: The Truth About MLB or..... you could just watch me hit a couple of dingers...

Dingers, dingers, dingers!


Missing in Action

Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf, Iraqi Minister of Information

Here is a man, who was forced to put miles of spin on ever crushing defeat the Iraqis suffered. Hell if you had been fortunate enough to have heard all your war coverage from his mouth, you'd probably be hiding in your basement dressed in old goalie gear. Your eyes glued to an ancient TV which for some reason would only pick up his addresses. And there you would sit, trembling in the dank cold of your cellar, until the TV would crackle to life and you'd hear more ominous news from the Iraqi Information Minister... "Our initial assessment is that they will all die"...."We have destroyed 2 tanks, fighter planes, 2 helicopters and their shovels - We have driven them back"... and then the signal would wane and die leaving the noise of static. Soon though, your ears would completely filter out this white-noise until all that you could perceive was the dead stillness and the approaching whistle of falling bombs...

For most people though this wasn't the case. No, most people just tuned into CNN for 5-10 hrs of the day. Listening to Wolf make crap up and mildly speculate about what's to come. The only highlight was when the reporters would surround our humble Information Minister and beg him for precious soundbites which he would in turn dispense in his authoritative way..."We are not afraid of the Americans. Allah has condemned them. They are stupid. They are stupid" (dramatic pause) "and they are condemned."....*choke* Strong stuff!

Alas now he's gone, disappeared, vanished with out a trace into the desert midnight. Without him CNN just isn't any fun and they know it.

We take this time right now to pray for his safety and as we gather I'd like to take a moment to remember some of his bold words...

"There are no American infidels in Baghdad. Never!"

"My feelings - as usual - we will slaughter them all"

"I blame Al-Jazeera - they are marketing for the Americans!"

"God will roast their stomachs in hell at the hands of Iraqis."

"They're coming to surrender or be burned in their tanks."

"No I am not scared, and neither should you be!"

"Be assured. Baghdad is safe, protected"

"We are not afraid of the Americans. Allah has condemned them. They are stupid. They are stupid" (dramatic pause) "and they are condemned."

"The Americans, they always depend on a method what I call ... stupid, silly. All I ask is check yourself. Do not in fact repeat their lies."

"I can say, and I am responsible for what I am saying, that they have started to commit suicide under the walls of Baghdad. We will encourage them to commit more suicides quickly."

"I can assure you that those villains will recognize, will discover in appropriate time in the future how stupid they are and how they are pretending things which have never taken place."

"We have destroyed 2 tanks, fighter planes, 2 helicopters and their shovels - We have driven them back."

"The authority of the civil defense ... issued a warning to the civilian population not to pick up any of those pencils because they are booby traps," he said, adding that the British and American forces were "immoral mercenaries" and "war criminals" for such behavior.

"I am not talking about the American people and the British people," he said. "I am talking about those mercenaries. ... They have started throwing those pencils, but they are not pencils, they are booby traps to kill the children."

"We have them surrounded in their tanks"

"The American press is all about lies! All they tell is lies, lies and more lies!"

"Lying is forbidden in Iraq. President Saddam Hussein will tolerate nothing but truthfulness as he is a man of great honor and integrity. Everyone is encouraged to speak freely of the truths evidenced in their eyes and hearts."

"Now even the American command is under siege. We are hitting it from the north, east, south and west. We chase them here and they chase us there. But at the end we are the people who are laying siege to them. And it is not them who are besieging us."

Ohhh yes, there's more *sniffle*

"Let the American infidels bask in their illusion"

"I triple guarantee you, there are no American soldiers in Baghdad."

Britain "is not worth an old shoe"

"we have given them a sour taste"

"blood-sucking bastards"

Of US troops: "They are most welcome. We will butcher them."

"We will welcome them with bullets and shoes."

"We are in control. They are in a state of hysteria. Losers, they think that by killing civilians and trying to distort the feelings of the people they will win. I think they will not win, those bastards."

"The British forces which were dropped there have been eliminated mostly on the (battle)field, except for those who fled ... It is a complete defeat ... Amazingly the Americans have pushed the British to do that. They pushed them ahead as if it is an experiment. The result was very tragic for the British."

“We have placed them in a quagmire from which they can never emerge except dead”

"Washington has thrown their soldiers on the fire"

"I speak better English than this villain Bush"

"These cowards have no morals. They have no shame about lying"

"They're not even [within] 100 miles [of Baghdad]. They are not in any
place. They hold no place in Iraq. This is an illusion ... they are
trying to sell to the others an illusion."

"Their failure in this regard is abysmal. They want to tell the world changes thought - as a matter of fact, they do not respect the world, they want to tell taxpayers and the domestic public to keep them deceived. We will embroil them, confuse them and keep them in the quagmire. They have begun to tell more lies so that they might continue with the perpetration of their crimes. May they be accursed."

This guy puts the Heart in Hearts and Minds *sob*

"We will kill them all........most of them."

"They are like a snake and we are going to cut it in pieces."

"They do not even have control over themselves! Do not believe them!"

"I would like to clarify a simple fact here: How can you lay siege to a whole country? Who is really under siege now? Baghdad cannot be besieged. Al-Nasiriyah cannot be besieged. Basra cannot be besieged."

"That bastard the American Minister of Defense Rumsfeld, and I won't say shamelessly, because they don't know what shame means. These are criminals. The whole word can hear the warning sirens. This criminal sitting in the White House is a pathetic criminal and his Defense Minister deserves to be beaten. These criminals lie to the world because they are criminals by nature and conditioning. They consider this a military site! Shame on you! You will forever be shamed! You have ruined the reputation of the American people in the most terrible way! Shame on you! And we will destroy you!"

"They are trapped in Umm Qasr. They are trapped near Basra. They are trapped near Nasiriyah. They are trapped near Najaf. They are trapped everywhere."

Called Americans and Brits "Tarateer"– In Iraqi slang, Tartoor means a guy full of farts (hot air)

"they are nowhere near the airport ..they are lost in the desert...they can not read a compass...they are retarded."

"Faltering forces of infidels cannot just enter a country of 26 million people and lay besiege to them! They are the ones who will find themselves under siege. Therefore, in reality whatever this miserable Rumsfeld has been saying, he was talking about his own forces. Now even the American command is under siege."

"They tried to bring a small number of tanks and personnel carriers in through al-Durah but they were surrounded and most of their infidels had their throats cut."

"Our estimates are that none of them will come out alive unless they surrender to us quickly."

"We made them drink poison last night and Saddam Hussein's soldiers and his great forces gave the Americans a lesson which will not be forgotten by history. Truly."

"On this occasion, I am not going to mention the number of the infidels who were killed and the number of destroyed vehicles. The operation continues"

"We're giving them a real lesson today. Heavy doesn't accurately describe the level of casualties we have inflicted."

"Their infidels are committing suicide by the hundreds on the gates of Baghdad. Be assured, Baghdad is safe, protected."

"Today I have visited whole Baghdad city, no invaders found. You go and see how we have ousted them from this city. They are cying outside and waiting to receive bullets. They will be killed shortly."

"These images are not the suburbs of Baghdad. From what I glimpsed, these gardens with rows of palm trees on the side, which you saw in the images, are located in the south of Abu Ghreib, where we have surrounded the Americans and British."

When told coalition troops occupied Baghdad airport -
" Saddam Airport? Now that's just silly!"

"The situation is excellent, they are going to try to approach Baghdad...and I believe their grave will be there."

"NO", snapped Mr al-Sahaf, "We have retaken the airport. There are NO Americans there. I will take you there and show you. IN ONE HOUR!"

"We defeated them yesterday. God willing, I will provide you with more information. I swear by God, I swear by God, those who are staying in Washington and London have thrown these mercenaries in a crematorium."

"Please, please! The Americans are relying on what I called yesterday a desperate and stupid method."

"They will be burnt. We are going to tackle them"

Pure gold, this man was comic genious personified *sniffle*

"In an age of spin, al-Sahaf offers feeling and authenticity. His message is consistent -- unshakeable, in fact, no matter the evidence -- but he commands daily attention by his on-the-spot, invective-rich variations on the theme. His lunatic counterfactual art is more appealing than the banal awfulness of the Reliable Sources. He is a Method actor in a production that will close in a couple of days. He stands superior to truth."

-- Jean-Pierre McGarrigle

Couldn't have said it any better myself. If they ever do find Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf they should extradite him out of Iraq and give him a job as a writer for SNL.

A Slow March Towards Infamy

Last night was a double-bill of baseball practice and alcoholic trivia. Our impromptu baseball practice came about from boredom and the first spell of nice weather in a week. The fields are still wet, as the snow failed to dry them somehow.

Our coalition forces consisted of Dwaine, Matt, Nic, Thomas and myself. We started with a fielding practice, in which Dwaine ran for pop fly after pop fly in a vain attempt at catching them. Understandable since the poor Crazy Dwaine Bird seems to have developed a mild psychosamatic aversion to baseballs, after taking a rather painful fly-ball off the cranium short days ago. Then we proceeded to do some sprints, followed by push-up, v-sits and burpees. After which we played ultimate leap-frog (for some reason poor Nic could never seem to get completely over Thomas!) and then ran 10 full laps of the field. An excellent practice, even devoid of a bat.

Then it was time for Trivia. Special thanks go out to Robert MacMillan for his extraordinary efforts at not only procuring a pitcher but also staking out a prime piece of Myrons real-estate. Special recognition goes out to Nic White for his virginal appearance at Myrons trivia, also for drinking the equivalent to an entire glass of that filthy Clancy's beer. As for the trivia part of the night, we stank. Even with Danial as an ace up our sleeve, we couldn't pull it off. Then as a few pints of beer later, the night came to a screaming halt, as I was faced with driving home and waking up at 6:30.

My apologies to all the mothers of the minors that had snuck into Myrons... I'm very sorry to tell you that your children are the devil. These mischievious minors know who they are...

Time for the Drunk Rating ©...

#1 - Bria (Drunk as hell and driving too...tsk, tsk)
#2 - Rob (Liquid Courage) Macmillan
#3 - Jane (That's my girl!)
#4 - Marie (Fire and Brimstone)
#5 - Nic (We'll make a man of you yet...)
#6 - Dwaine??? (couldn't tell if you were drunk at all)
#7 - Andrew??? (Someone else will certainly vouch for you being drunk and touching them inappropriately)
#143 - Chuck :'(
Unlisted - Shannon

Drunk Rating disclaimer ©:

The maximum error attributable to drinking conditions and stomach capacity is plus or minus 0.01 blood alcohol percentage. If you feel you have been misrepresented or malpositioned on the Drunk Rating please contact the Administrator


Hearts and Minds

The following is a grand tale of adventure and courage from our resident columnist Nic "The Whip" White. This article accounts the details of Phase IV of our Baseball Odyssey. (You may also view this article from it's original source at the secure Stratford Message Board.

Well, it was another successful practice today. Even though there was plaenty of snow on the ground and it was still snowing off and on Rob Dwaine and I played on. Chuck and Andrew would have came but were tied up in other matters. Thomas did not come because, well, were not even sure if he made it home from the last practice . We got our arms loose in a certain Christian school parking lot in town, not certain if we were being followed, but we watched our backs. After a two hour practice we headed to get food and then went to Dwaines where we proceeded to look and discuss some posible jerseys for our team. All in all, another good one. We are only getting better.

Unfortunately I missed this practice... Hopefully this damned snow will clear up very soon then we will be able to get down to business! What a slap to the emotions it was to have the greenish brown ground once more blanketed in white! It makes my heart cringe and my soul weep... But enough of the melodrama.

Second backshift in a row tonight, nothing ruins a weekend better! This coming week will be better though, as I have Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday all off!

We NEED a party!

Enough said.

The Pictures are Up!!

Phase II of the Stratford Ball Odyssey Pictures are up, have a gander!

Special thanks goes to Matt Ling for the excellent developement, as well as the camera and film... and to Danial Pollard for his scanning and photoshop expertise! You can see them now on my picture page...

Looks like the snow may keep us off the diamonds for a little while yet. But even all that cold snow won't put out the fire that burns deep in our hearts... 0 comments

Phase III

Despite the bitter cold that would have kept most of the bravest souls at home, these proud and dedicated Stratford Ball Players trudged forward... Hands frozen numb, eyes frosted open, noses running down their stoney faces, they gritted their teeth in determination.

The practices brave participants consisted of Nic, Rob, Dwaine, and myself, plus a special guest called up from one of our AAA teams. Yes Thomas, made the trek all the way from Souris (which is still buried under 10ft of snow by the way). He valiantly battled his way through fierce storms, 15ft swells and sea monsters to try out for our team. We are still in negotiations, but things are looking good for us to fill that gap in the outfield.

Tomorrow hopefully I will be able to post some of our team pictures from Phase II of our training. If you read this Matt, please contact me ASAP re this matter.

Attention all Stratford Players, if you haven't received an email concerning the Stratford Ball Players Association secure websites, please contact me at once. If you wish to apply to play for the Stratford Ball Club contact me as well.

A tentative roster has been posted on the Team Message Board please be advised.

...This just in, Thomas Godfrey has been signed to play outfield for the Stratford Ball Club... 0 comments

Baseball Hooligans

Today on this beautiful day, five brave young souls took to defiling the Bunbury Ball Diamond. Yes it was Phase Two of our Shock and Awe campaign. This time our all-star group was composed of Andrew "Toothless" Thompson, Nic "The Whip" White, Dwaine "Bulldog" Bulger, Matt "The Lincher" Ling and I, Chuck "Bone Breaker" Beaton. Notably missing was our super-star pitcher Rob "The Pooh Bear" MacMillan...

Today was by far the best practice, as it was the first one on grass in a diamond. The weather was beautiful, the air clean and crisp with a salty aftertaste and a hint of oregano...

As the infield was a deceptive deathtrap of sink-sand, we played in the outfield which was moderately soggy, yet playable. As the exact details of the practice are kept secret. I will only go as far to say that close to 50 exposures were taken in an effort to document our strengths and uhh... strengths. Most of the pictures ended up being taken of pure old school buffoonery. They will be appearing here by Saturday at the latest so stay tuned... Viewer discretion is advised as certain shots do contain nudity...

I am now sporting a busted blister below my pinky finger on my left hand, any typing aggravates it thus causing me some great discomfort. But even this pain doesn't diminish the satisfaction of a great day at the diamond. More to come...

The Stratford Rec Room site is still in it's production stage. When complete, logins and passwords will be securely wired to all authorized individuals.

****Awardes of Recognition****

Matt - "Christina Aguilera Award for dirtiest ball player to leave the field"

Dwaine - "Ernie Award for Most Wanton Destruction"

Andrew - "Peewee Herman Award for Public Exposure"

Nic - "Chester Award for Giving it to those Cows"