Since the dawn of time, when galaxies were mere infants, and earth was formed to foster life, Chufre watched.

When the ancestors of humankind emerged from the very rocks of the earth. When man brazenly first strood forth into glowing sun, Chufre Freewaller was there. When the earth shook and seas spilled over, and the mountains burst forth in utter defiance to their imprisonment of short days ago, showered the country side with their fiery blood, and the Valleys florished and Islands arose from obscurity, Chufre looked on.

Chufre gave eye to the birth of the great civilizations of man, to the birth of the industrial age and the subsequent rapage of the land. Through the ignorance, and avarice of man Chufre has become very angry...

Chufre is a spiteful god.

Chufre is also a graceful god.

Be forewarned when Chufre comes you all better look busy. 0 comments

*remember the Prof. Frink phenomenon?*

Ahh, uhhh um, gliven, uh eh. Whooo do you, gliven, think you are, gliven? With the stealing of the voice and the poor impersonation and the kickin and the punching and the masking tape on my mouth and the throwing me in the helicopter, ohh the horror! Iiii gliven, have just one question, gliven, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh is there any uhhhhhh "flubber" inthis, gliven,... gliven, movie, gliven?

Take that, gliven, flubber, gliven,
Professor Fink

*Dan's self indulging email to himself*

Hi, big fella hows it going. You probably forgot that you sent this to yourself a long time ago. You handsome devil you.

Gotta go, talk to you later.

Danial Pollard

*a scene ever so near to Dwaine's heart*
[converation overheard through dirty trailer door, amid sounds of
gunfire, panning bums and wheezing whores]

kid- "Ma, i hears that dar scratching sounds agin!"
mother- "Shut Up you good for nothing piece of trash, you heard me, I" said shut your goddamn pie hole you little hellion bastard!"
kid- whys come our house has wheels and me friend Derk's don't?"
mother- Derk don't get ta sleep wit his ma neither, and shouldn't you be with one of yer foster moms?
kid- Halfway house 's closed ma! ya wanna go shoot skirels?
mother- not now, I'm watchin me stories!
kid- Whens dad gettin outta da big house?...
mother- he ain't your dad
kid- whos ma daddy den, huh, huh, huh?
mother- ?
kid- I'm gonna go get drunk off the home brew now..
mother- get out of my face Kirby

*intercepted email from the keyboard of the great billy T*

I am Billy
Your one and only god
My superior intellect is in no way paragoned whatsoever by your futile efforts to undermine my confidence, and destroy my self esteem; or in your unsmart words "make fun of me" . So you fools may as well stop your futile efforts of hurting my feelings. Gliven.


P.S. my computer is better than yours!



Dear Matt,

Ever since I had that encounter with Jesus my life has seemed full. I have decided to live life by his teachings. To honour and cherish every second and every person of my life. It all seems so clear to me now, the pain and the suffering of the average mortal is far from me now. I can no longer relate to their futile and entirely fruitless struggle. Their lives are empty pockets of nothing, valleys of obscurity, hallow voids of pathetic existence. Why don't they just kill themselves? No, wait thats too good for those non believers, I should do them in, slay them with the out reached clenched fist of the almighty lord and saviour. Why not another flood, huh? That would wake them up! The cold water lapping at their toes at three in the morning just before their pathetic shantys and cardboard cartons collapse encompassing them in their own filth. Ahh yes death is close. I can smell it......

Charles Beaton

P.S.-May I have a Hallelujah? Gimme a Hallelujah!

With reference to your message with the subject:
"Yo, Wats'up"

The local mail transport system has reported the following
it encountered while trying to deliver your message:

Message could not be delivered for 72 hours - returned.

Your mail message is being returned to you in the next part of this

Should you need to be sodomized, please mail

Once upon a time in a deep, dark wood there lived a fair Princess by the name of Danial Pollard. Danial, or Martha as his friends called him, was a known sorceress. He would stay up all night playing with his magic wand. After these long hard nights he would awaken with bloodshot eyes and a funny taste in the back of his throat.
All the woodland creatures loved Dan, since he always petted them and removed burs off their asses with his teeth. But there was one animal, a rather scrawny, scrappy wolf who just detested Princess Martha. They were always getting in fights since Dan would eat cookies in bed and the wolf whose name was David Lambereau, or Chops for short, hated sleeping on cookie crumbs.
One day they got in a huge fight over how Dan hated Dave's verticly striped flannel pagamas. In the subsequent duel Dan was struck and killed by one of Dave's infamous "blows."
By and By they all lived happily ever after.

Long live the King,
Charles Beaton

Dear Danial,

Before you delete this message please hear me out, I know we've had our bad times especially in the last past couple weeks but I want us to still be friends. I digress, not friends, more than friends.... You remember your offer about you and me in the camper? Well, I've reconsidered, I think we can make this work, but I want it to be about
more about my wicked body [caresses curves] and the great sex.... I want it to be about US, you and me together.....FOREVER!!!


Carrie-Jo Birt

P.S. Meow you big dog you.

Grade 11 Typing Class...

In response to the poor grammar, punctuation, sentence structure and spelling in most of your work I have decided to edit your automated reply message. The first message is your original and the other has been thoroughly edited, reformated and digitaly and grammatically remastered.

Thank you for your message, I found it very enlightening, however, chances are more towards me not actually reading it yet. When I get around to it, if I find it interesting enough, I may bless you with a piece of my original, exciting, funny material. You WILL laugh, cry, it will be so inspiring that you'll never think of anything original ever again, you won't be able to get MY WORK out of your head.


Thank you for your message, even though your sending it to me was probably a mistake due to alcohol/substance abuse, mixed prescription medications, severe insomnia or plain blunt trauma to the cerebral cortex.

I will cherish your message forever, I have already read it four times printed it off and glued each letter individually into a simulated visage of your face. If I ever manage to live down the excitement of receiving a letter from an actual person and not some Bobby Joe Craig Bottlefeeder personage I have created out of my own moral destitution and social dissent and absolution I may respond with some poorly constructed and mangled jumble of useless rhetoric and incomprehensible nonsense pomposity. Then with the effrontery and temerity of some cretinous moron I'll vaunt that my poor deplorable composition is meritorious of any acknowledgment whatsoever.

Thank you for your time,

Danial Pollard

Written in History Class for my next period Anthropology course...

Observations of Elderly Walkers

Charles Beaton


Location: Charlottetown Mall

Time: 9:00am weekdays

At first it seemed as though I’d walked into a sombre parade. Unsmiling wrinkled faces firmly concentrated on their march, as the loose groups and solitary figures wound through the empty mall corridors. What had brought these people out so early in the morning? Was it the need for exercise or the longing for human companionship and social gathering? With these questions in mind, I joined with a group of walkers and was a once surprised at their slow, mundane strides. The pace and direction of flow were both regulated by the group dynamic, each walker seemed to feed off the others’ energy and intensity (or lack thereof). The slow shuffling of feet, and the hushed tones of conversation were all so desperately purposeful for a group tenaciously hanging onto their humanity. These walkers and indeed all senior citizens are a testament to the, unintentional yet unavoidable, alienation of the elderly in today’s society. Once venerated for their wisdom, and the verbal history they contained, the role that seniors play has been greatly diminished in the age of the information superhighway. Gone is the classic family gathering, relinquished to the point of statutory holidays and then only when convenient.

We pass the Food Court the chair backs littered with large winter jackets; obviously our eventual point of rendezvous. As my group continues along our walk, I get the feeling that they have accepted my presence. I take this opportunity to glance about and observe those closest to me. On the weathered faces I see signs of malnutrition and illness - a condition aggravated by the poverty that most seniors have to deal with. With their high drug and living costs many seniors are living just above the poverty line, accounting for the highest group of social and economical depravity in this country. One more lap and we had finished for the morning, back at the Food Court the groups intermingle with talk centring mainly around current issues, local politics, sports and the weather. I managed myself into one group of five, and gently steered the conversation towards seniors’ views of youth - acting as a reporter to calm any of their fears of offending me. Most in the group agreed that youth had, or made, little time to spend with their elders, they were as well often shocked by the lack of respect shown towards them. These feelings were omnipresent throughout many of the other’s that I talked to on that day and other such mornings. The sentiments of alienation, and disrespect echoed resoundingly clear through all dialogues, despite my objective line of questioning.

Though this could perhaps be explained through the idea that a few dominant minds spurred and guided more moderate and passive individuals towards their own opinions, it would still be irresponsible to neglect and ignore much of the evidence that is so boldly presented to us in every day life. Seniors removed from homes when they become cumbersome or inconvenient charges, violent house invasions and other crimes targeted towards an ever growing majority of the elderly. Our elders, our living history, veritably abandoned by their family and the government, forced towards starvation and insanity by astronomical living costs and isolation; all this is a severe condemnation towards us as a society. If we can ignore the plight of our elderly now, what then when we are indeed faced with the same situation ourselves? Will society adapt to encompass many of the skills and knowledge that such a group could bring? Will we realize the importance of having children raised with reverence for our elders? How can we expect them to show respect when we show none our selves. Seniors have become but a thread torn from the tattered family blanket of society’s fabric; a thread that can and must be rejoined.

That Crazy Kid!

The Andrew Thompson Story:

Part II:

Farther Down the Rabbit Hole

(A Screenplay)



Crazy Dwaine Bird

Giant Headed Rodney Turtle


Evan Oliver

Generic 12th Grade General English Teacher

Written By:

Charles Beaton

with help from

Andrew Thompson

Original Idea:

Charles Beaton

Andrew Thompson

Props. to:




Concerned Children's Advertisers


The now rehabilitated Andrew has been released back into society and now sits quietly in his 12th grade general English class. His heavily sedated mind is in the constant throes of ambiguity. His subconscious desperately fighting off the voices, and that all too familiar song...
Scene 1:

[a normal classroom setting, filled with an unlikely assortment of degenerates and maladjusted miscreants. The overwhelming rank of nervous energy and ignorance is clearly visible upon all of Andrew's classmates. Save one poor soul, Nic. Whose life is always a constant upwards battle against the forces of homosexuality, completely locked in a confused state of unambiguously perverse sexuality. Andrew's apathetic teacher spills forth his linear mantra, eyes locked on the back wall fearing any unnecessary eye contact could set his classroom ablaze.]

Teacher: Would everyone please open your Romeo and Juliet books, and read along with the tape. Actually wait, can anybody first tell me who wrote Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet"?

Teach: No one here knows who wrote William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet?"

Evan Oliver: Was it Garth Brooks?
Teach: What!? No, no it was not Garth Brooks.

Evan: I'm pretty sure it was. I have all his albums you know.
[a silenced pause, broken by two dry coughs]

Teach: [more patiently] No!! For the last time it was not Garth Brooks... Andrew, you must know the author of William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet"

[startled Andrew looks up, groggy, he's slow to respond]
Andrew: Was it Will......

[Andrew's veiled eye lids snap open from their normal half closed position, nervously he glances about the room, his mind recoils in horror unable to communicate with his body, a mute scream purses his lips and he clamps his hands to his head. The theme music to jurassic park blares loudly all around him, gently pulling him away...]

Scene II: Flashback:
It's quiet and dark, only the gently hum of the refrigerator pervades the eerie calm. A beam of street light partially illuminates his surroundings, and suddenly Andrew recognizes that he's at his old house. The chilling skeletal remains of his first home after the fire surround him. The earth he touches still warm from the red hot inferno of only a few days past. Andrew's mind no longer restrained by his medication surveys the scene in great detail. It's obvious where the fire had started by the gaping hole in the kitchen floor. The roof had collapsed directly upon the nest of the giant electrical spiders, assurance that the queen had indeed been killed. His reflexes sharp and his eyesight now accustomed to the poor lighting, Andrew gingerly approaches his old refrigerator. The fridges front door was completely melted and blackened by the heat of the blaze, yet the body for the most part is still intact. With a burst of adrenaline, Andrew wrenches the door from its moorings and deftly searches inside. His hand feeling the cylindrical squeeze bottle of his family's mustard supply, continues on its search until it's rewarded by the roughly textured sensation of his trusty, battle hewn, old stick...

Andrew: The night is ours my sticky friend!!
[grinning at his own joke, Andrew lops off into the night]

Scene III:
The quiet surging of and crashing of waves is heard just off the beach, where the Giant Headed Rodney Turtle is found helplessly floundering about in the tall Maran grass, desperately searching for its eggs.

Rodney Turtle- Now where, ohh where, could my little dog, err I mean eggs, be? ohh where ohh where could he, umm them, be?
[crawling to the edge of the steep dune the Rodney turtle is fortunate enough to spot his giant excavation site. Unfortunately he wasn't the first one, for the Crazy Dwaine Bird can easily be seen molesting the poor giant headed turtle's eggs.]

R-Turtle.- Goddamn Dwaine Bird!! He'll kill them all, and I can only lay 12,000* more before the chill sets in!!
*though this number may seem extremely high to those unversed in the Giant Headed Rodney Turtles breeding habits, which are solely asexual, the actual survival rate, once you factor in the horribly misproportioned mental capacity of the Giant Headed Rodney Turtle, is less than 1 per 12,000.

Crazy Dwaine Bird - Boy, ohh boy, ohh boy!!! I really love these round things! They're soo bouncy, and they feel really nice against my feathers!
[the Dwaine Bird is oblivious both to the fact that he is crushing the eggs by attempting to mate with them, and to the fact that the Rodney Turtle, having mistakenly toppled off the side of the cliff, is now standing at the top of his dirt pile]

R-Turtle. - I'll teach that interfurring, goddamn, Crazy Dwaine Bird to interfur with my egglings!
[acting on instinct the Giant Headed Rodney Turtle begins flinging dirt from the top of the pile with his hind flippers.]

R-Turtle. - I'll berry him good!
[Unfortunately he is flinging dirt the wrong way and before he has the chance to correct his fatal mistake the Dwaine bird is upon him, savagely penetrating his every orifice with his retractable, 9 inch prehensile penis. The screams and moans of the ill-fated Giant Headed Rodney Bird punctuate the air on regular intervals, correlated with the ferocious thrusts of the horny Crazy Dwaine Bird. Off at the other end of the beach, drawing obscure, incomprehensible pictures in the sand in order to appease the voices, rests Andrew.]

And.- [to his stick] If I hear correctly, [pausing and straining to hear] that's the sound of a Giant Headed Rodney Turtle being savagely sodomized by, yes, the Crazy Dwaine Bird. I guess it's time for a little "Ultra Violence" my Sticky Friend!
[Crabwalking at a frenetic pace, Andrew soon approaches the scene of devastation. The Crazy Dwaine Bird has flipped the Rodney turtle upon his back and is proceeding to take him from behind. The Giant Headed beast was flinging his aquatic flippers to and fro in a desperate attempt to fend off his attacker, yet to no avail.]

And.- Hey Dwaine Bird! I said, Hey Dwaine Bird! Hey monkey, let me ask you a question... How stupid are you?
D-Bird.- Huh? Eeeh! Errrr!! Nooooo!! Okay!! What?

And.- You must be pretty fucking stupid to pick on one of my friends!
D-Bird.- You mean this Giant Headed Turtle? No one likes him! Do they?

And.- He happens to be a good friend of mine, matter of fact.
D-Bird.- Ohh really, well I had no clue, I do apologize, chum.

And.- That's okay, an easy mistake to make.
[they both look at each other, quizzingly]

And.- You know I was just kidding... Now lets set him on fire and make some soup!
D-Bird.- I'm with you

[by this time, however, the Rodney Turtle taking advantage of the delay had struck off across the water... Well actually the wind had blown him into a riptide, but we'll give him credit for it anyway, after all it isn't easy being a Giant Headed completely retarded Rodney Turtle!]
D-Bird.- Where'd our turtle friend go...

[But even before the crazy Dwaine Bird could finish his sentence, Andrew was on top of him, playing a rather lopsided rendition of his style of leapfrog. This went on for a few hours until the sun once again rose its fiery head and both Andrew and the Crazy Dwaine Bird were distracted by the many shiny things on the beach.]
Scene III:

Back in the Classroom.
Teach: Andrew? Andrew? Nic wake him up would you.

Nic: Waky, Waky my little hamster...
[startled Andrew awoke, his fist raised and readied in Nic's direction]

Teach: Welcome back Andrew, now can you please tell us who wrote William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet?

And: Ahh, obviously it was...
[but before he could finish his sentence the bell rang [in Andrews head] and he got up and left class]

Teach: Where'd he go, it's only 11:00?

The whole class together: With Andrew, you just never know!!!
[cue Jurassic Park theme music, a still frame of Andrew with his trademark million mile stare flashes onto the screen, eyes half veiled with his trusty old stick in hand; the credits role]

To be continued... 0 comments

This is what I do at 1:30 on a school morning

Don't ask questions, just enjoy...

Warning: Most of this won't make sense to you...

That Crazy Kid:

The Andrew Thompson Story

(A Screenplay)






Crazy Dwaine Bird

Stupid Rodney Turtle

and Andrew’s Therapist

(who prefers not to be named)

Written By:

Charles Beaton

with help from

Andrew Thompson

Original Idea:

Andrew Thompson

Charles Beaton

Special Thanks:

Dwaine Bulger

Rodney McFadgen

[Setting: Andrew lying down in his therapist’s office. The standard furnishing adorn the room, family pictures and large books arranged specifically to pull ones eyes up to the walls, upon which hang varied certificates and diplomas.]

Therapist- "Do you hear it? Are you hearing the music again?"

Ther.- "Andrew?"

Ther.- "Andrew!!"

*snap of therapists fingers*

Andrew- "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh where am I?"

Ther.- "You’re safe Andrew, you’re in your safe place now..."

[Andrew falls back onto the couch and is soon again deeply immersed in a flashback, oblivious to the therapist’s coaxing]

[Flashback: Andrews old house, chaos has broken out as Andrew unrestrained, and unaccustomed to such freedom, has run amuck]

Betty- "Jesus, who let Andrew out again?!"

[Andrew is chasing his sister with a beat-up old rotten stick, an indescribable dull glint of excitement gleams from beneath his permanently half shut eye lids]

Sister- "Mom, get him off me, help!!"

[Andrew now over beside the fireplace, attempting to set fire to his trusty stick in order to qualm his inner demons, those persistent voices that dance to that never ending theme song]

And.- "Fire, must start fire to keep monkeys back!"

[Betty and Derrel Thompson, Andrew’s faithful and patient parents and supporters stand in front of Andrew’s cage room, surveying the damage]

Derrel- "Looks like he broke the lock clean off this time, Betty, I guess it’s back to chaining him to the furnace

Bet.- "But you know what happened last time Derrel!"

Der.- "Well Betty, cats we can replace, family members we can't"

And.- "Noooooo, noooooooo! I will kill you all then no one will stop me! Ha ha ha!!"

[Betty stares at Derrel, a pleading look upon her face]

Der.- "Fine, get the dart gun..."

Bet.- "And this time get rid of that damn stick, its unsanitary!"

*rapping at windows*

And.- "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

[Outside the calm of the neighborhood has been broken by the screams of some sort of giant birdlike creature. The creature know locally as the crazy Dwaine Bird’s every thought seems preoccupied with reproducing; a vain attempt at saving its species. Sad in the fact that the Dwaine Bird is the very last of his species and cross breeding has been largely unsuccessful. Oblivious, however, the crazed Dwaine Bird keeps on desperately plugging away...]

Der.- "Forget the darts, get the shotgun, it’s that damn Dwaine bird again!!!"

Bet.- "Quick Derrel, look what he's doing to the car!"

Dwaine Bird- "I will eat your eyes if you touch me. I'm nuts, I will end you!"

[Farther up the road, perched atop a mound of freshly dug earth, the endangered Rodney Turtle, is vehemently trying to finish burying its eggs. The Turtle, endowed with a very large cranium but sadly a very small brain is visibly struggling to keep its thoughts straight. "Must bury them all before the frost! Now let me count 1, 9, 3, 7... oops!! broke one! ahh, 6, 9, errrh, 6, 9, ummm, 6, 9...." Now horribly confused by the simply act of counting the Rodney Turtle buries its enormous head in the sand and commences to dig another hole, effectively covering its last one.]

[Betty accessing the damage the crazy Dwaine bird has done to her precious automobile...]

Bet.- "What is he doing? Humping the car?"

Der.- "I can't tell, Betty, where's Andrew?"

Sister- "There he is Dad, I think he's trying to fend off that awful Dwaine Bird!"

[Andrew in a violent daze is visciously sodomizing the poor crazy Dwaine Bird with the blunt, splintered end of his trusty stick]

D.Bird- "Owwwwwwwwww, get off me, that hurts! Get your dick out of my ass man!"

*screeching, sounds of humping, metallic grind and shattering glass..*

Sis.- "I think Andrew's got him Dad!"

Der.- "Either that or Andrew’s not a very good leapfrog player..."

[Dwaine lies in a pool of his own blood and excrement, Andrew exhausted slumps to the ground as the theme from Jurassic Park swells and the camera circling pans upward, and the credits role...]

Therapist- "Is it happening again?"

Ther.- "Andrew?"

Ther.- "Andrew!!"

*snap of therapists fingers*

[Abruptly Andrew is shaken from his flashback, the Jurassic Park theme slowly fading from his consciousness, like the fog receding from atop a hill peak at the appearance of the glorious morning sun...]

* * * To be continued * * *

** In response to a deflamatory post on G's board **

Awesome, if a post like this had gone ignored there might have been hope for any of you little ignorant fart sniffers. In fact everyone who responded to this post is stupider than the stupid posing poster postboy. In fact there never ever was a group of people more retarded than those who frequent this page.
You all suck you insignificant little sucker sucks. If I had a lollipop to suck for every time you suckers suck, I'd still wouldn't suck as much. All I'd have would be a room full of empty sucker sticks and a whole lot of contempt for the senseless suckers who forced me to become a sucker sucking diabetic phuck.

Why don't you all drop dead, and while your dropping dead, I'd imagine it'd be a good time to review your pathetic little lives...

Like that time that Dan got caught in a soccer net, lost his balance and fell, wedgying himself into the tight nylon ropes, and wriggling like the stupid retarded fish we all know he is. Ohh he claimed to be drunk, but he wasn't. Just retarded and horribly mentally incapable of manuvering about simple obstacles. Wendy's being the only place where such buffoonery could possibly be tolerated.

I'm sure you all have similar stories, take the time Matt attempted to run down a steep hill, crusted with scraggly sharp rock. Yes letting all caution and common sense (not to mention the basic human instinct for self preservation) fly right out the window, Matt hurled himself down that hill reaching terminal velocity right before his feet gave out and he slammed into the rocks like a big wet bag of cement. He still bears the bruises as proof of his stupidity.

Ohh yes, I can hear you all say, "what about all the stupid, retarded and incomprehesible things that you have done, Mr. Highty Tidey Charles?"

Well, it has come time that I let you all in on a little secret. I am what you would call an "anthropologist" (a people studier for you morons) sent from a time and place unfathomable by your mere human intellects. I am one of many sent to study and prepare earth for its eventual obliteration. By blending in and feigning participation in your stupid insignificant lives I was able to study first hand without interrupting any of your daily goings and doings. Yes the person you all know as "Chuck" is actually playing the part of an anthropologist in an intergalactic reality show, sponsored by parties I will not name at this time.

I have broken cover to warn you all, The End is Forthcoming. Planet Earth TV is being cancelled.

Panic. Kill. Destroy. Copulate irresponsibly. Hell, it's good TV.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

This has been a message from Channel 1274070148964001676340679034614-613-46--1646389761--1-=1409164, we now return you to your regular programming already in progress...