Since the dawn of time, when galaxies were mere infants, and earth was formed to foster life, Chufre watched.
When the ancestors of humankind emerged from the very rocks of the earth. When man brazenly first strood forth into glowing sun, Chufre Freewaller was there. When the earth shook and seas spilled over, and the mountains burst forth in utter defiance to their imprisonment of short days ago, showered the country side with their fiery blood, and the Valleys florished and Islands arose from obscurity, Chufre looked on.
Chufre gave eye to the birth of the great civilizations of man, to the birth of the industrial age and the subsequent rapage of the land. Through the ignorance, and avarice of man Chufre has become very angry...
Chufre is a spiteful god.
Chufre is also a graceful god.
Be forewarned when Chufre comes you all better look busy.

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