Dear Matt,
Ever since I had that encounter with Jesus my life has seemed full. I have decided to live life by his teachings. To honour and cherish every second and every person of my life. It all seems so clear to me now, the pain and the suffering of the average mortal is far from me now. I can no longer relate to their futile and entirely fruitless struggle. Their lives are empty pockets of nothing, valleys of obscurity, hallow voids of pathetic existence. Why don't they just kill themselves? No, wait thats too good for those non believers, I should do them in, slay them with the out reached clenched fist of the almighty lord and saviour. Why not another flood, huh? That would wake them up! The cold water lapping at their toes at three in the morning just before their pathetic shantys and cardboard cartons collapse encompassing them in their own filth. Ahh yes death is close. I can smell it......
Charles Beaton
P.S.-May I have a Hallelujah? Gimme a Hallelujah!

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