*a scene ever so near to Dwaine's heart*
[converation overheard through dirty trailer door, amid sounds of
gunfire, panning bums and wheezing whores]
kid- "Ma, i hears that dar scratching sounds agin!"
mother- "Shut Up you good for nothing piece of trash, you heard me, I" said shut your goddamn pie hole you little hellion bastard!"
kid- whys come our house has wheels and me friend Derk's don't?"
mother- Derk don't get ta sleep wit his ma neither, and shouldn't you be with one of yer foster moms?
kid- Halfway house 's closed ma! ya wanna go shoot skirels?
mother- not now, I'm watchin me stories!
kid- Whens dad gettin outta da big house?...
mother- he ain't your dad
kid- whos ma daddy den, huh, huh, huh?
mother- ?
kid- I'm gonna go get drunk off the home brew now..
mother- get out of my face Kirby

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